Phase 2
Phase 2
Petting and lap work
Now that the cat has started to trust you, we can start working on skills that adopters look for. SSL was created to help rescued cats so a primary focus is to get the cat adoptable. Another important benefit is that the cat will truly enjoy petting and love the company of trusted humans so that he lives a happy life.
Now that you’ve finished Phase 1, the cat is comfortable in their space and comes to you consistently when you “get into position” with treats for your socialization sessions. The cat trusts you enough to easily walk up your extended legs to stand with 3-4 legs on your thighs, and is relaxed being near your torso (with treats, of course.) When you begin Stage 2, the cat will still not be comfortable with you touching them, and will back away if you try to touch or pet them.
The focus of this Phase 2 is to start getting your foster cat adoptable (or your adopted cat to enjoy pets and laps). Shy or scared cats often get looked over by adopters, so our goal is to get the cat to enjoy pets and become either a lap cat or a “beside you” cat. This phase builds up to petting slowly and leverages repetition with luring and distracting to create a positive association with petting and being in your lap.
PRE-WORK: Letting the cat out of the pen
Step 3: Petting Sequence (with treats)
Step 4: Crossed Legs Lap Work
PRE-WORK: Start Paw Touch